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Whole Life Vitality – Eating For Health


Whole Life Vitality – Eating for Health Program

This program is an effective, easy to follow lifestyle plan for people wanting to build vitality into their life through diet, exercise and positive mind set. It enables you to easily achieve your optimal body weight and size, and most importantly maintain it.

Who is the Whole Life Vitality program for?

Whole Life Vitality is for anyone who wants to achieve and maintain healthy weight and body size; build fitness; establish an injury free exercise regime; gain energy and enthusiasm for life.

Developed by leading Australian Naturopaths it emphasises the use of whole foods and is most ideal if you:

  • have difficulty losing weight

  • have cravings for starchy carbohydrate rich foods (potatoes and bread) and sweets

  • experience fluctuations in blood sugar and/or energy levels over the day

  • wake up night thinking about food and need to eat

  • are pre-diabetic and have a family history of diabetes

  • have tried low fat diets and/or exercise regimes in the past that have not worked

The eating and lifestyle guidelines in this program are also suitable for people with inflammatory related conditions such as pain, diabetes and altered immunity.

What does Whole Life Vitality Program involve?

Step 1: Initial Assessment from one of our qualified Naturopaths. This is a comprehensive health appraisal identifying your goals and the underlying contributing factors to you health and vitality concerns.

Step 2: Follow up consultation with Naturopath to discuss diet changes in detail.

Step 3: Start your program

At this initial assessment your therapist will devise a treatment plan with you. The frequency and amount will depend on you and will change over time. Regular appointments help keep you on track.

There may be an identified need for you to have help with exercising or managing stress (both important factors in gaining whole life vitality) . In these cases you will be referred to one of our physiotherapists or occupational therapists. We work closely as a team which means you’ll have a stream lined program.**See below

What are the benefits of the Whole Life Vitality Package at Next Wave

We offer person centred care. This means we don’t advocate a “one size fits all” approach. Instead we tailor your treatment plan to meet your individual health and lifestyle needs. How your personal Whole Life Vitality Package will look is discussed at your initial assessment.

Complimentary benefits of joining the program include:

  • receive a Whole Life Vitality Booklet packed with information, inspirational photos, recipes and menu plans.

  • be invited to join our private online community “Super tubers”. Why is it called Super tubers? You’ll find out when you join but it’s got something to do with goal setting, celebrating achievements and making quantum leaps.

  • e-recipe book packed with easy to use recipes for weight loss

  • professional support from our therapists and staff by phone or email

**If you need to a physiotherapist or occupational therapist as part of your Whole Life Vitality goals the initial assessment will be charged as a repeat consult.

More about Whole Life Vitality – Eating for Health

The eating plan helps you make lasting changes

Each diet is tailored to suit your unique needs but is based on the traditional Mediterranean way of eating, so it contains plenty of fresh produce.

  • There is no weighing, counting calories or special foods required.

  • It is not a low carbohydrate diet but rather an eating plan that provides the optimal balance of carbohydrates, fat and protein.

  • The diet can easily be tailored to suit your needs e.g. food sensitivities and preferences e.g. vegetarian.

  • The whole family can eat the same delicious meals.

  • Nutritious snacks are allowed and you never go hungry.

Supplements may be recommended to aid weight loss, improve metabolism, improve fat burning and building lean muscle mass. They also help to reduce sugar cravings and energy fluctuations. Overtime as your diet and heath improves, your need for these supplements will reduce.

Eating for health gives you whole life vitality

You can expect a weight loss of half to one kilo per week, commitment to the program is vital to achieve this. It’s important to focus on your body shape and size rather than weight. Following the diet and exercise recommendations will result in an increase in muscle mass and a reduction of body fat. You may also experience an increase in bone mass. Muscle and bone are heavier and denser than fat so it is possible to become smaller (lose centimetres) and yet weigh the same or even more.

So don’t get caught up on what the scales say. Your body measurement, fitness and happiness tell the real story. When you follow the plan you will feel the enormous benefits of good health and vitality for life.

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