3a/352 South Street O’Connor WA 6163 | (08) 93376460

Naturopathic Mental Health and Pain Care

Natural Pain Management and Mental health Care at Next Wave Therapy O’Connor (Fremantle area)

Naturopathy for Mental Health and Pain Care

Our Principal Occupational Therapist and Naturopath Sasha Wray provides an integrated and holsitc approach to natural pain management and mental health care.

Many mental health and pain presentations require an approach that can make sense of complex conditions. As such, Sasha uses a naturopathic functional medicine approach which applies models of understanding such as Psycho-Neuro-Immune (PNI) . First described in 1936, PNI is the study of the interactions between the psyche, neural and endocrine functions and immune responses. (Stay tuned for another article about PNI)


Naturopathy is a whole-body medicine, which emphasizes optimal body function. Symptoms are viewed as our bodies way of calling out for help and alerting us to areas of our health that we need to start paying attention to. An example could be that we start developing reflux; this is viewed as our bodies way of letting us know that there may be nutritional deficiencies or inflammation or dysbiosis in the stomach.

Naturopathy aims to find the root cause, rather than long term suppression of symptoms. This optimizes your vitality, so that you can recover and hopefully prevent further problems.

Naturopaths work with any condition or any illness but it is not uncommon to have areas of special interest such as Mental health and Chronic Pain for Kylie.

Find out more here about Naturopathy at Next Wave Therapy in Fremantle.

Naturopathy treatment at Next Wave Therapy

A naturopathic approach assesses all the systems of the body and synthesizes this information to understand the interactions between them and the domino effect they have on each other. For example “neuro-immuno-physiologists have found that stress, anxiety and depression not only affect the protective function of the immune system but also alter its regulatory function.” Ref

To address the needs of people with mental health and chronic pain issues Kylie provides treatment for:

  • Female hormones – menstrual problems, menopause, PCOS

  • Chronic Fatigue /low energy

  • Stress Response / adrenal overload

  • Gastrointestinal issues

  • Sleep issues

  • Weight management

  • Cardiovascular health

  • Auto immunity/ immune system dysregulation

  • Endocrine system

  • Nervous system

  • Musculoskeletal issues – muscle pain, osteoporosis, arthritis

  • Psychological Health – anxiety, depression

  • Pain Management

  • Prevention/ natural management of hereditary illness

Making sense of one’s health issues when there is many things going on can be difficult. This is what Naturopath’s like Kylie and Sasha do well. They consider a person’s biology, as well as the environmental factors to identify how a person’s whole health profile is working together.

Next Wave Therapy Mosaic Program helps piece together all of a person’s health needs and provides a seemless journey when multiple therapies are needed.

WHAT TO EXPECT at your initial naturopathy CONSULT

Expect us to ask a lot of questions! Your appointment will go for the complete allotted time you have booked in for. You will be asked to complete an online Naturopathic Health Questionnaire prior to your appointment. Please fill this in to the best of your ability as it means we can prepare before we see you and make the most of the initial consultation time.

At your initial naturopathic consult you can expect:

  • To have a Comprehensive Assessment – taking the details of your complaint, examination, review of blood chemistry results and other investigations.

  • To be heard and listened to.

  • To gain an understanding of what is going on for you and the possible contributing factors

  • To leave with a clear treatment plan aligned with your goals

You will receive ‘empowering education’ about further prevention of your symptoms and how to maintain your health long term.

WHat treatment can you expect?

Sasha integrates a range of therapies to prevent and treat disease and promote optimal health.

Naturopathic Treatment Recommendations may include:

  • diet changes

  • nutraceuticals (supplements)

  • herbal medicines

  • lifestyle advice

We aim to tailor treatments specific to your needs; no-one is put on the same treatment, even if they present with the same symptom!

When to see a Naturopath at next Wave Therapy

You may be feeling unable to cope with life stressors, fatigue, anxiety or low mood.

You may be experiencing persistent pain.

You may have a number of health concerns that you haven’t been able to get on top of.

Or you may just be overwhelmed with the amount of information on the internet about health and want to know more about optimizing your own health!

What ever your condition, head space, financial limitations, cooking ability or stress levels, a Naturopath at Next Wave Therapy O’Connor (Fremantle) can help you.

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