3a/352 South Street O’Connor WA 6163 | (08) 93376460

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Mindful Living is an 8 module group course offered by occupational therapists at Next Wave

Physiotherapists at Next Wave play an important role in the prevention, treatment and recovery

Gluteal tendinopathy is a common cause of hip pain. Next Wave physiotherapists provide targeted

Being Present, here and now, is the first fundamental skill taught in Mindfulness and

Thyroid imbalance is not always detected by standard blood tests. Naturopaths at Next Wave

People who experience pain on an ongoing basis are often faced with a dilemma

Our occupational therapists are now offering home visits. Throughout the lifespan, at different times, we need

Fibromyalgia and Myo-fascial Therapy Trying to navigate your way to recovery while experiencing the pain, stress

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It can resolve with

Menopause is a significant part of one’s natural life cycle. It brings significant changes in a