3a/352 South Street O’Connor WA 6163 | (08) 93376460

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Post Natal Mat Exercise Rehab classes led by physiotherapist, Erica Brotherton are now available online.

COVID-19 has disrupted millions of lives around the world. We share with you 5 ways

Telehealth Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and naturopathy services now available at Next Wave Therapy, O’Connor (Fremantle

In response to the coronavirus (Covid-19) global pandemic we remind everyone of our existing and

Pelvic floor problems can be helped with physiotherapy. Our new Real-Time Ultrasound machine helps with

Principles of exercise and resistance training have always been part of physiotherapy treatment guidelines. This

Occupational therapy is all about having meaning in life. Being able to do what you

Sometimes we need extra help and support to manage stress. Occupational therapists at

Back pain research volunteers needed. Jonathan Wray, Principal Physiotherapist at Next wave is assisting

Celebrate OT Week 2019 and find out a bit more about what OT is, what

Mindful Living group program at Next Wave is an excellent way of learning how to

On World Mental Health Day today, more than ever we need to reach out, notice

We are now offering exercise rehab classes for children. Our aim is to help kids

Interested to know what makes Next Wave Physio’s tick? To celebrate world physio day we

All welcome to join us at our Open Day on Fri 13th Sep celebrating Next

Whole Life Vitality - eating for health is an effective easy to follow lifestyle plan

Physiotherapy Exercise Rehabilitation at Next Wave Therapy helps you recover from injury or peristent pain

Our  Mindfulness and Relaxation Training course teaches skills which enable you to change the

Cervical Radiculopathy effects the cervical nerve roots. This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of physiotherapy

Pacing is a skill that helps you do more of what is important to you