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World Physio Day at Next Wave


Celebrating our world class physio’s on World Physio Day 2019

The 8th of September every year is a day dedicated to focussing on the crucial contribution physiotherapists make in keeping people well, healthy and able to do the things that matter to them. Next Wave physiotherapists, Jonathan Wray and Zac Betts, are exceptional in the therapy they provide their patients. This year to celebrate world physio day we thought it would be good to get to know them a bit better. Here’s what we found out.

Hello Jonathan and Zac, so I suppose to start with the big question is what inspired you to become a physio?

Jonathan: In 1995 whilst I was travelling in New Zealand I stayed on an organic farm come health centre. It was my first experience of yoga, naturopathy, meditation etc and whilst there I did a remedial massage course. This triggered my interest in becoming a health practitioner. A few years later my father had a heart bypass and I helped him with his recovery, physiotherapy was then a natural progression.

Zac: Well, from a young age, sport has always been what I enjoyed most in the world. Growing up I swam competitively, competed in surf lifesaving, played tennis, rugby, and hockey. I would ensure that I practiced or played everyday (and still do to this day). So naturally injury was an unfortunate factor I had to overcome multiple times. Along my journey, I met an especially inspiring physiotherapist who kept me injury free for years to come… I still see this physio to this day!

I guess in tandem with this I have always wanted to help people, having being involved in surf lifesaving for many years. With all of this considered, Physiotherapy seemed like the natural fit for me.

Was the four years of study and training worth it all?

Jonathan: I’m still studying and training!!!!!! And yes it is all worth it. I get great satisfaction in helping people and the better equipped I can be the better I feel I can help.

Zac: Hopefully I never stop studying and training! But yes without a doubt. I find myself finishing everyday of work with an absurd amount satisfaction knowing that I have been able to help someone along in their own journey.

What aspect of your working day as a physio do you find the most rewarding?

Jonathan: Apart from coffee time?!!!! I think its the part when you give a patient options that they haven’t been given before and a plan to recovery. That spark of positivity and hope that there is a way to overcome their issues or manage them in a more beneficial way is very rewarding.

Zac: When I see that I made a difference. Anytime that I teach someone something and they have that lightbulb moment, or if I modify a movement and it reduces their pain. Or even when I see someone grasp a new exercise. Seeing the difference that makes to people definitely makes my day.

What is challenging about your work?

Jonathan: Trying to change the narrative around peoples injuries or disabilities particularly if they have been given negative messages by other health practitioners.

Zac: I have to agree with Jonny here. Often trying to negotiate through the existing negative messages people have received is harder than the treatment itself.

I’ve noticed music plays a big part of your exercise movement rehab classes, what’s on your playlists at the moment?

Jonathan:Yeah having been a professional musician prior to physiotherapy, music is really important for me as it sets a vibe in the studio. Currently I’m loving a few tracks by Rodney Hunter especially “Find It”.

Zac: Growing up and through school, I did a lot of music, a few different instruments and some singing. Currently I have a band “Nothing but Thieves” on repeat. If not them, then I will be listening to Nic Cester’s Album ‘Sugar Rush’.

Outside of work where are we most likely to find you?

Jonathan: Ha… Ha… I’m always at work!!!! Family life keeps me pretty busy as well as studying for my specialisation. With any spare time I have I’m surfing or kitesurfing, as being in or on the water is my main passion.

Zac: My second home (or first, I don’t know where I spend more time), is my tennis club ‘Reabold Tennis Club’. I basically have a mattress all set up and ready to go. I’ll be on the court playing a few hours a day easily. Maybe I’ll squeeze in some gym time and hockey as well.

Thanks to both of you for sharing these interesting insights into your what motivates you at work and home.

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