3a/352 South Street O’Connor WA 6163 | (08) 93376460

Mosaic Program for Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain Recovery with the Specialist Next Wave Therapy Team O’Connor (Fremantle area)

Mosaic Program

Piecing together your new life trajectory from pain.

Do you live with persistent pain and other health concerns? Have you been struggling to understand what is going on for you? Have you tried all sorts of therapy but still suffer? Are you unsure what to do next or who can help you?

The Mosaic Program may be what you need.

Designed for people who live with chronic pain and have other complex medical or health needs the next Wave Therapy Mosaic Program offers people a seamless journey toward pain recovery.

What does the Mosaic Program offer or people with chronic pain?

Under the guidance of our specialist team we help get to the heart of what you most need. You have access to physiotherapists, occupational therapists and naturopaths who specialize in treating complex pain. Working as a team in conjunction with your medical health providers we provide comprehensive assessment and devise a clear treatment plan with you.

Our unified team approach means you don’t have to repeat your information each time you see someone. We all work toward your goals together with you.

Who is the Mosaic Program suitable for?

The Next Wave Therapy Mosaic Program is designed for people who live with chronic pain and have other medical or health needs.

Chronic Pain conditions include

  • Persistent pain lasting 3 months or longer

  • Chronic low back pain, pelvic pain, Frozen shoulder or migraines

  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

Other health conditions include

  • Metabolic disorders – thyroid, hormonal and endocrine disorders

  • Mental health concerns – anxiety, depression

  • Musculoskeletal issues – osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, myalgia

  • Neural disorders – spinal injury, MS

  • Psycho-Neuro-Immune Conditions (PNI) – fibromyalgia, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

What’s Involved In the Mosaic Program?

Your Mosaic Journey Onboarding

Onboarding is essential to start making sense of the different pieces in your “health mosiac”. It’s dedicated time to review the full timeline of your health and the impact it has had on your life. We do this by starting with your Mosaic Health Appraisal.

From there you can make an informed choice about which path to take next.


You may need naturopathy treatment to address possible underlying biological mechanisms to your pain such as digestion, hormone and nervous system issues. Naturopathy can help with natural pain management., sleep, diet and stress.

Occupational Therapy

You will see our occupational therapists when you need help with understanding your pain drivers, pacing, sleep, managing stress and building a meaningful life.


Our physiotherapists will step in when you need a physiotherapy exam, exercise rehabilitation, Clinical Pilates or musculoskeletal treatment.

Why is it called Mosaic?

A mosaic is a combination of many different parts forming a whole. In the Mosaic program we are interested in the different parts of you, who you are as a person and the environment you live in. We want to take all these parts and make sense of them , how they interact or impact each other.

We use the image of a coral reef because this habitat is a beautiful reminder that all parts of you and your environment are interconnected. This connectivity is especially important in maintaining the healthy functioning of all the parts that make up the whole ecology.

It’s usual for people to have each problem or health issue treated by different health practitioners. It makes sense to see a GP or Specialist for medical issues, a physiotherapist for musculoskeletal issues, a podiatrist for feet problems etc. But when there is so much going on and no one is addressing the other things that are not in their scope of practice – it can leave people pulled in all directions and still not getting the change that they need.

So, the mosaic program is designed to help integrate all your health concerns and life challenges so that you can begin to heal, optimize your health and build meaning into your life.

What is the Mosaic Program Journey?

  1. Onboarding – To get started we need to know more about you and whether the program is what you need. Please email of phone us with an enquiry. We’ll send you a form to fill in. If you feel you may have difficulty with this, you can book a free Discovery Session. This means you can speak to one of our therapists in person and they can help you fill in the questionnaire..

  2. Mosaic Health Appraisal – once we receive your Mosaic Questionnaire we’ll review it and in consultation with you decide which is the best first step for you.

  3. Start Therapy – you can then book your initial appointment with one of our physiotherapists, occupational therapists or naturopaths.

  4. Recovery and Beyond – we’ll be with you every step of the way. Helping you to piece together your new life trajectory.

Mosaic Program Benefits

This program offers people discounts on fee’s and access to other resources. Read a summary of the benefits of Mosaic Program Package Details here.

The Next Wave team look forward to being a part of your Mosaic Journey.

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